Product Sourcing Request

First Name :
Last Name :
Company Name :
Address 1 :
Address 2 :
City :
State/Province :
Country :
Email :
Website :
Office Phone :
Cell Phone :
Fax Number :
Product/Service Required :
Quantity :
Frequency : Monthly Quarterly Annually
Packaging :
Destination Port :
Target price :
I am the : Buyer
Buyer’s Mandate
Payment Terms :
Specifications :
Remarks :
Security Text :
"USATG sources products worldwide"


USAlliance Trade Group LLC, is a physical commodity trade facilitator.  We make no warranties or representations as to the buyer, seller or transaction. All due diligence is the responsibility of the buyer and seller.  E-mails and any attached related documents, if any, are never to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content. Documents, including any attachments to E-Mails are a response to a formal request of information only. Upon receipt of these documents, the Recipient hereby acknowledges this disclaimer.  These documents are not from any banking or other Institution. We do not provide securities or securities-related advice. No information therein shall be construed as a solicitation of investment funds or a securities offering in any way.In the event there is non-performance in any transaction, it is the sole responsibilities of the contracting parties to resolve issues as stipulated in the Sales Purchase Agreement.

Physical commodity offers are responses from suppliers not affiliated with USAlliance Trade Group LLC.  Offers forwarded are privileged confidential information for you and/or your end-buyer’s consideration only. Disclosure, reproduction, transmission, E-mail forwarding or use of communication for any other purpose is prohibited.